Site icon Retail & Restaurant Facility Business

Retail Facility Business

Retail Facility Business is dedicated to bringing retail, chain/store facility professionals, property managers, shopping center owners and managers, the latest news, features, trends, applications and product information to create an insightful editorial product. Retail Facility Business readers are decision makers responsible for the operations, maintenance and facility management of:

• In-line retail store
• Convenient stores
• Freestanding retail stores
• Shopping centers (malls, lifestyles centers, power centers, urban retail locations, etc.)
• Entertainment centers
• Movie theaters
• Ground-floor office retail
• Non-traditional retail locations
• Freestanding retail environments

Each issue, Retail Facility Business profiles a retail chain’s maintenance and/or operations department, as well as profiling a retail property manager and the day-to-day challenges that each face daily. Retail Facility Business also has departments on vendor news, retail/shopping center trends and developments, product services, retail “greening” efforts, and a special expert advice column called “Experience Speaks.” Add to this several articles written from the industry — by those who are hands-on with products and techniques — and we have informative editorial covering retail operations and facility management, from both the retailer’s and vendor’s perspective, and from the property manager’s and shopping center owner’s perspective.

Our editorial standards guarantee that we publish only articles that are relevant to our audience, and our editors and publisher promote no products and services within our editorial. First and foremost, we do not base editorial on advertising. Our Number 1 standard is that we will publish only the best editorial. Our philosophy on vendor-written or property management company-written articles is that by telling a method, readers will know that the author, and his or her company, applied the method. We ask our writers not to promote products in our editorial and carefully edit the articles so that they do not contain specific product references or promotions. From time to time, it is unavoidable in our editorial that we mention specific products when writing about applications. When this occurs, our policy is always not to recommend specific products or services.

Retail Facility Business features articles that spotlight the following:

• Security/CCTV    
• Landscaping
• Property Management
• Floor Care
• Roofing
• Doors/Windows/Skylights
• Carpet/Matting/In-laid flooring
• Software
• Gates
• Grilles
• Waste Management
• New Products
• Maintenance
• Design/Construction
• Signage
• Audio/Video Systems within Centers and Stores
• Lighting Products and Design
• Green Trends/Environmental Sustainability
• Energy Management
• Computerized Maintenance Systems
• Construction/Paving    
• Flooring
• Escalators/Elevators
• Parking Lots

Interested in Advertising?

Contact Publisher Scott France at 404-832-8262 or


Interested in Submitting an Article or News?

Contact Editor Katie Lee at 404-832-8262 or

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