— By Cindy Price —
Before you start, find out the local sign codes and regulations.
One of the first things to do before opening up a business is to get a sign. Without a sign, you simply won’t exist in the eyes of the consumer. Signs also have a huge impact on your revenue stream. So where do you start and what do you need to consider? One of the first things you’ll need to do is find out what your local sign codes and regulations are and obtain the sign permit.
Sign Codes and Regulations
Cindy Price, Federal Heath
Before you have your sign manufactured, it is recommended you check with your city or county on what their sign codes and regulations are. Most reputable sign companies have people on hand who can help you through this process or handle it for you. Why is this necessary? You may find that the design you’ve come up with isn’t allowed in your area. And, if you’re moving into a shopping center, the developer may have additional regulations governing signage that’s allowed. Landlords may also impose their own restrictions; these are likely to be most stringent inside malls.
What Are Sign Ordinances?
A sign ordinance can help a municipality reduce the visual clutter of signage. They are often used to help protect, establish and enhance a community’s identity.
A municipality may adopt a sign ordinance as part of the zoning ordinance or a stand-alone ordinance. They can regulate the type, size, and location, and safety of the signs installed, as well as the process for erecting new signs.
Because every municipality operates differently, you’ll want to get approval, and a permit, for the type of sign or signs you are planning for.
How Codes Affect Signs
There are varying factors that could affect the type of signage you want for your business. This is regulated by each municipality and include, but are not limited to, things such as:
- Design
- Type (freestanding, on-premise, multi-tenant, wall sign, etc.)
- Location
- Construction
- Illumination/brightness
- Installation
- Safety
- Maintenance
Sign Permits
Most signs require permits. Typically, zoning laws will determine specifications for signage. Depending on your location, you may be able to handle the entire application process online.
Be prepared to have on hand:
- Zoning certification
- Consent from landlord or property owner
- Sketches or design of the sign
- Business licenses and permits
- Location of where the sign(s) will be installed
Cost and Approval
The permit fee will vary depending on the cost estimate of your sign(s) and could range anywhere from $50 to $300 or more. While some signs can be approved within a day or two, other signs might require engineering review.
If you do decide to go it on your own, without the assistance of your sign company, start with your state’s government website and go from there.
— Cindy Price is senior marketing specialist with Orlando, Fla.-based Federal Heath.