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How Did You Do in 2011?

How accountable were you to your leadership actions these past 12 months? 

Last year this time, I wrote about “Motivation for the New Year.” I discussed our roles as leaders and about each of us having leadership within and how it is not predefined by a job title. Leaders inspire team members, recognizing each individual’s innate strengths, and ensure they are in the right position for success. We discussed understanding what drives associates and it’s not always about the salary — but rather empowerment and appreciation for a job well done. You can refresh your memory with this Daly Dish dated Jan 11 posted on my website:

So now, with another full year under our belts, as a certified coach my responsibility is holding you accountable. So I’m circling back to you to check in on how you did. How accountable were you to your leadership actions these past 12 months? Did you identify your team members’ strengths and support them in their continued career growth? Did you — and how often did you — express gratitude in a simple thank you, pat on the back or email acknowledging the success from your team member’s dedication and efforts? Have you empowered your team members with the confidence to take charge of their projects, fueling their pride and ownership to take a project and run with it? Have you recognized any mistakes made along the way were not repeated and were fewer and farther between all the massive successes your team’s had? Have you totally bragged on your team to executive management and field partners? (Yes, I mean bragged wholeheartedly!) Well, if you’ve said “no” to any of the above — the good news is there is a brand new year ahead to get started. And if you’ve said “yes” to all of the above — good for you and better for your team! Our industry needs more leaders like you! Wishing you only the best for healthy, prosperous and inspiring 2012.






Grace Daly is an industry leader in retail design, construction and facilities, as well as an avid career coach. She is currently the Executive Director of Construction & Facility Conferences for InterFace Conference Group.

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