— By Tiffany Largey —
5 steps to prepare your property for a flooding emergency.
Flooding is the most common natural disaster and leading cause of weather-related deaths. It is becoming a larger threat each year with 25-30% of all flood losses being in low to moderate flood zones. With global warming, different weather patterns, climate change and inaccuracy of flood maps and zones, we must have a set plan in place to prepare for Mother Nature’s most common catastrophe. There are 5 steps that will help you to prepare. The first step begins with determining your flooding risk.
Tiffany Largey, Flood Risk America
You can ask community officials or local emergency management offices as resources to learn about the history of flooding for your region. It is important to find out if your property is in the floodplain and if it is above or below the flood stage water level. Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRMs) are what are used to determine your flooding risk. If these have proved inaccurate in the past, or you feel the flood insurance is higher than expected for your given area, make sure to contact a highly trained company who specializes in flood prevention assessment and flood map modeling.
Flood risk assessments are available to show you historical flooding on your property and information about flooding in a 100-year or 500- year storm. If you are building or own a commercial property, more in-depth assessments are available to show you modeling in a 1-5 hurricane and storm surge for each year, along with a detailed report assessing your flooding risks.
For example, it is important for prevention of flood exposure to elevators, high voltage rooms, control rooms and other areas that store valuable assets. This mitigation plan and Vulnerability Assessment can help reduce the damage and disruption of operations during severe flooding events. The mitigation plan will also account for loss of power, which is extremely important if you are a property management company and are leasing out to tenants or own a commercial property and cannot afford to have loss of business time.
Depending on the size and type of structure, different flood protection options are available (Refer to step 1 and 2 for assessing your risk using a trained flood professional to help you find the right flood protection for you and your property. As mentioned in step 3, it is important that flood protection is stored properly and that new gasket or hardware is not needed; otherwise you will not receive the full protection from your device without proper seal.
Until local authorities proclaim your water supply to be safe, boil water for drinking and food preparation vigorously for 5 minutes before using. If your home, apartment or business has suffered damage, call the insurance company or agent who handles your flood insurance policy right away to file a claim. Make sure to photograph damage to your property. It is most important to take steps to reduce your risk of future floods. Make sure to follow local building codes and ordinances when rebuilding. Use flood-resistant materials and techniques to protect yourself and your property from future flood damage (FEMA, 2019).
— Tiffany Largey is partner and COO of Flood Risk America/Flood Risk Canada. For more information, visit www.floodriskamerica.com.