Site icon Retail & Restaurant Facility Business

Relevant & Resinous

— By Kendall Youngworth —


Enhancing the retail customer experience with flooring.


The discussion about the future of brick-and-mortar stores rages on, but most forecasters agree on one thing: They will not become obsolete any time soon, if ever. As with any type of business or industry, staying relevant and providing a great customer experience is key to retaining a customer base in retail.

Kendall Youngworth, Tennant Coatings

The idea is to create a customer experience that enhances loyalty, keeps customers in the store for longer periods, and keeps them coming back.

In-store Opportunities for Engaging Your Customers

Even with the convenience of online shopping, many consumers prefer to see and feel — and, perhaps, try on — the actual product before purchasing it.

Though an item may be ordered online, many stores offer same-day in-store pickup, as well as in-store returns. These in-store visits are prime opportunities to make a unique impression on the buyer with branding and aesthetics. Engage visitors, and put them in an “as long as I’m here, I may as well look around” frame of mind to help increase revenues from in-store purchases.

How Flooring Enhances the Customer Experience

There are other elements, besides product and value, that can appeal to consumers while shopping in brick-and-mortar stores:

Both of these can be enhanced with the right type of flooring.

Creating an Environment that Matches Your Brand and Demographic

Resinous flooring systems, such as epoxy and urethanes, are some of the most versatile on the market. They come in a wide range of colors, textures and finishes — from matte to high gloss. Custom colors can be created to match brand colors or an existing color pallet. You can even imbed your company logo in an entryway floor for customers to see when they enter. You can also create greater definition for product categories and departments by delineating.

For example, multiple bright colors applied in fun patterns can bring a children’s clothing or toy area to life, while a subdued natural color pallet may set the right tone for women’s wear.

Epoxies and urethane systems also offer various one of a kind “looks” that cannot be achieved with other materials. These include: decorative flake systems, decorative quartz systems and metallic flooring systems that sparkle and glimmer and can brighten up spaces with little natural light.

Directing Shoppers throughout the Store

Every shopper knows how frustrating it can be to wander the aisles looking for products or a restroom, even in large stores with overhead signage. Arrows, icons or delineated walking areas that aid in making your way through the environment are very welcome. Shoppers tend to return to stores that offer an easy and pleasant experience, therefore making that first excursion easier helps support customer loyalty and keep them coming back.

Durability and Customization Are Hallmarks of Epoxy and Urethane Flooring

While enhancing the customer experience is an important benefit of the right flooring, other features are critical to facility managers, such as:

The Right Flooring is One of Your Best Investments

Beautiful and durable, epoxy flooring can represent your brand to your customers, keep your store looking fresh and inviting with minimal maintenance, and reflect the overall image you want to convey — all of which enhances the customer experience to keep them coming back.




— Kendall Youngworth is a senior marketing specialist at Tennant Coatings with more than 10 years’ experience assisting clients across many industries in the selection and installation of optimal concrete flooring for their facilities. Minneapolis-based Tennant Coatings is a leader in flooring experience, knowledge and expertise. For more information, visit


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