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The Enemy Within

— By Alex Blahnik —

What is eating at your profits? (It may be smaller than you think.)


Maybe supply chain disruptions and historic labor shortages are your biggest problems as you emerge from the pandemic, or perhaps, your challenge is meeting the demand of customers who are returning to the market and trying to purchase and dine their way to a normalcy. Whatever you may be facing, while you trimmed your expenses and obeyed social distancing orders to make it to this point, pests like mice, roaches, flies and rats did not slow down — and in fact, some have thrived during our shutdowns.

Alex Blahnik, Wil-Kil Pest Control

While business was slow, pests continued to grow in population and were forced to get more creative in finding sources of food. This created a perfect storm for pests to establish themselves in new places, and find ways to enter your facility, taint your supplies, and do the same to others in your supply chain.  Let’s hope this storm doesn’t lead to an untimely appearance of a pest in front of your patrons, because that sort of presence might not just consume your profits, but also damage your reputation.

As you return to normal operations, here are five pest management best practices to keep in mind:

Inspect and Maintain Your Facility and Equipment

All too often, cockroaches enter and infest a facility through a simple dried drain trap or toilet. The time and money needed for a proper cockroach cleanout can catch you off guard, but the easier solution is to prevent pest infestations through proper maintenance in the first place. For example, dripping condensation from a refrigeration unit, sink or drain will provide the single ounce of water that a rat needs each day. Imagine how many insects can live on the water (and mold) that condensation creates. Start with these basic maintenance duties to stop or prevent pest issues at your facility:

Restart the Sanitation Schedule

Sanitation is pest management. This may not be as easy as it sounds since areas may have been neglected for some time, and staffing may be a problem. However, if your facility is not thoroughly cleaned, then it is a prime spot for pests to live. Hot spots include in mop closets, under counters and prep tables, and under dish-machines. Pay special attention to and regularly clean the following items to manage pests well:

Exclude Pests

The best form of pest management is to keep pests out in the first place. If building maintenance suffered over the last year, you can get back on track by inspecting and repairing any entry gaps that exist. Focus on these areas of pest entry:

Proper Stored Food Management

Stored food is a primary reason for pests to enter your facility.  By managing your food well, you can eliminate pest resources, reduce future waste and resolve challenging pest infestations.  Start with these practices:

Continue Pest Management Practices

Whether you perform pest management yourself or hire a professional, it is important to protect your facility with properly placed and maintained pest management devices, management strategies and treatments.

You’ve got this! Pests can be managed, and you can take control of the situation, so they don’t eat your profits (both figuratively and literally). It begins with these best practices. But if this seems like it is too much to handle, and you are looking for help to get back on track, simply ask for help by calling a pest management provider near you. They would be happy to help you inspect and take the proper pest management actions to regain control of your facility and pest-proof not just your facility, but your reputation and your profits.




— Alex Blahnik is a technical manager at Wil-Kil Pest Control, a leading pest control company in Wisconsin, serving residential and commercial customers in the healthcare, manufacturing and warehousing industries.



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