— By Dr. Andrae Holliday, Sr.
Accessibility requirements for your retail and restaurant parking lots.
According to ADA.gov, more than 50 million Americans — 18% of our population — have disabilities. Each one is a potential customer. Studies show that once people with disabilities find a business where they can shop or get services in an accessible manner, they become repeat customers. Are your parking lots ADA compliant? If you’re unsure, you could be losing business or — worse still — facing lawsuits and fines.
Dr. Andrae Holliday, Sr., Let’s Pave
Since its inception in 1986 and being signed into law in 1990, The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) has been an evolving proclamation. Under this law, retail and restaurant facility managers must be aware of the rules that govern the requirements for parking and accommodations for persons with disabilities. And, moreover, they are responsible for ensuring that their properties meet the requirements.
Leasing your stores or restaurants does not make you exempt either. The ADA places the responsibility for compliance on both the landlord and the tenant. The landlord and tenant might decide, through the terms of the lease, who will make the changes. However, both the tenant and the landlord remain legally obligated in the eyes of the requirement.
Regarding parking lots, some of the ADA regulations require simple mathematics, such as allocating the sufficient number of ADA accessible parking spots based on the number of total parking bays. But others are more difficult to assess and verify, such as proper slope for ADA accessible spaces. These “hidden liabilities” often go unnoticed, leading to safety issues that must be remedied immediately to minimize the chance of incidents, lawsuits and costly violation fees.
Enforcement of the ADA is most commonly done by local city agencies administering local ordinances. In addition, people frequently file complaints with the U.S. Department of Justice, which has the authority to file suit in case of public importance or where there is a pattern of discrimination. Since 2015, there have been more than 40,000 lawsuits filed in federal court and the number continues to trend upward (Seyfarth Shaw LLP).
The ADA’s Regulations and the ADA Standards for accessibility, published in 1991, set the minimum for what makes a facility accessible. They were revised in 2010 and, while many of the standards carried over from the original 1991 published document, there are significant differences. Furthermore, the standards are used differently depending on whether a facility or business is making alterations to an existing building, constructing a new facility or building, or removing existing architectural barriers.
If a facility was built or altered during the last 20 years and is in compliance with the 1991 standards, or barriers were removed to specific elements in compliance with those standards, then the facility is complying, even if the newer 2010 standards have different requirements for them. This provision is referred to as the “safe harbor.”
A word of caution, however. If your store or restaurant chooses to alter elements that are compliant with the 1991 standards, the safe harbor no longer applies. So if a parking lot is restriped, this would be considered an alteration. Therefore, it would then have to meet the ratio of van-accessible spaces to meet the 2010 standards.
When renovations are done on an existing site, the facility manager has an obligation to make the alteration accessible to the maximum extent feasible. Alteration is defined as remodeling, renovating, rehabilitating and reconstructing, or making any other changes that affect, or could affect, the usability of the facility. Be advised that, during a renovation or other operational activity, access interruptions are never permitted. Some form of access must always be maintained. All of the preparation is worth it of course and, in some cases, there can be tax credits of up to $15,000 a year for expenses related to ADA improvements. Be sure to consult with your tax advisor to understand all applicable tax laws that apply to your project.
Ultimately, the best way to ensure ADA compliance is to plan and be proactive. If you question whether your stores or restaurants meet the standards, act now! Partner with an ADA specialist; start evaluating your existing facilities. Train your staff on the ADA’s requirements so they know what to look for and can more easily spot any violations. And, include the ADA in your new store or restaurant expansion strategy — long before you break ground. Finally, consult the free information resources available whenever you have a question. Good upfront planning can save you time and possibly money down the road!
— Dr. Andrae Holliday Sr. is the operations director at Let’s Pave, headquartered in Oak Brook, Illinois. He has extensive experience in construction engineering, operations and facilities management for retail, healthcare, religious institutions and governmental agencies.