ADA compliance

— By David Gabbai — How restaurant tenants can be built to save. Due to challenges like high interest rates and construction costs, the price of owning, building, remodeling and leasing restaurant space has gone through the roof. It can be a difficult time to own and maintain a restaurant business and restaurant space. However, forward-thinking restaurant tenants and retail landlords are finding creative ways to make things work. We are seeing these imaginative solutions play out in lease terms and structures, which can be done in a way that …

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— By Jeremy Johnson — The case for solar-powered signage in parking lots. In today’s competitive retail and hospitality landscape, every aspect of a business must be optimized to create a positive and memorable customer experience. Although the parking lot usually represents the first interaction a customer has with an organization, it is often overlooked, and one crucial element is signage. Retailers, restaurants and property managers can significantly improve their parking lots by incorporating signage that is solar-powered, reaping a multitude of benefits that extend beyond mere aesthetics. In this …

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Seattle — On Feb. 16, 2024, Starbucks Coffee Company announced that it is creating a more accessible store experience across its U.S. store portfolio through an Inclusive Spaces Framework. The first store to be built using the inclusive design framework opened on Feb. 16 in Washington, D.C. The new store features items such as optimized acoustics and lighting for improved visual and audible communication for customers and accessible equipment designs for a better partner (employee) experience among other features. The Inclusive Spaces Framework was created in partnership with a diverse …

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— By Jeremy Johnson — How to maintain ADA compliance and avoid potential litigation: flexible signpost vs. concrete pyramid base. The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) sets requirements for accessible parking spaces that businesses and municipalities must follow. Failure to comply with these regulations can result in fines and legal action. According to, businesses and municipalities found to be in violation of ADA regulations can face up to a $75,000 fine for the first incident and $150,000 for any additional failures to comply. According to the California Commission on …

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— By Blake Callahan — Essential steps to plan for success.   There are many phases of a remodel project depending on the size of the project: planning, budgeting, demolition, construction/build-back and cleanup. There’s also a great deal of questions that go with each of these phases. I’m going to focus on the ever-important budgeting aspect of the remodel phase. It’s been determined that nearly 2/3 of companies surveyed did not make expected profit and three or four large budget fails is enough to put most companies out of business. …

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— By Dr. Andrae Holliday, Sr.   Accessibility requirements for your retail and restaurant parking lots.   According to, more than 50 million Americans — 18% of our population — have disabilities. Each one is a potential customer. Studies show that once people with disabilities find a business where they can shop or get services in an accessible manner, they become repeat customers. Are your parking lots ADA compliant? If you’re unsure, you could be losing business or — worse still — facing lawsuits and fines. Since its inception …

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