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No Time For Flies

— By Pat Hottel —

Controlling filth flies inside — and outside — restaurant facilities.


Filth flies, like house flies and bottle flies, reproduce quickly and are associated with pathogen laden environments like manure, garbage and sewage. The bodies are well adapted for transporting the microorganisms responsible for foodborne illnesses to our food and food contact surfaces. As summer months approach, a relatively quick life cycle from egg to adult becomes even shorter. Depending on the species, development can occur in as little as 1 week. As a result, we can see populations explode in the months of July, August and September. Their short life cycle and association with unsanitary conditions can place our facilities at risk for contamination.

How Can We Prevent Fly Issues?

Prevention should always be the first line defense in pest management. For filth flies, this means focusing on the exterior which is the primary area for fly development. This includes reducing fly attractants, eliminating exterior breeding sites and fly exclusion.

Key exterior fly prevention targets include:






Interior Defenses

Because the restaurant cannot be kept sealed 100% of the time and still serve customers, there is always the potential for some flies to enter. Good exclusion is helpful in reducing numbers but may not totally prevent all pest entry. Therefore, there should be some interior tools used to supplement the exterior efforts.

Strategically placed insect light traps are one tool that is used to intercept interior migrations of insects and to monitor for activity. Captures should be identified and counted each service and trends in activity analyzed. Further actions should be taken based on what the traps tell us. Insect light traps should be placed in identified paths of flies; however, they should not be placed where they might attract flies toward open food or food preparation surfaces. Flies can transport and shed foodborne illness during flight and/or if they rest on food. Light traps should not be located where they might draw insects toward the building from the exterior. This can occur if the light can be viewed from the exterior through a glass window or door. A light trap placed on an interior wall, facing a drive-thru window, may cause more insects to enter than are captured. It would not be considered a good placement.

Fans can also be used on the interior to keep flies away from key areas such as interior dining rooms or serving counters. Insecticides may be used to supplement other control methods when needed.





— Patricia Hottel is technical director at McCloud Services, a leader in integrated pest management, serving the food supply chain, retail industries and more, headquartered in South Elgin, Illinois.

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