Power of Partnership

by Katie Lee

— By Sean Gillespie —

Promoting lasting relationships through a consultative approach.

For nearly three decades, our commercial painting firm has carved a path as a leader in the multi-site repaint program sector. Over the years, we have amassed a wealth of knowledge from both triumphs and challenges alike. Our extensive experience spans various industries, ranging from small local stores and restaurants to large national chains. Our commitment to going beyond the basics of painting extends to cultivating lasting client partnerships. These relationships transcend contractual obligations and foster mutual understanding and shared solutions. Through continuous analysis of numerous repaint programs, we have cultivated a deep understanding of what drives success.

Commitment to Partnership and Customer Experience

At the core, it is important to be more than what you do for the client. For us, that means a focused effort to be more than just painters; but also trusted partners in our clients’ success stories. Asking “why” and not being afraid to say “no” are components of building a deep understanding of client long term objectives. This moves beyond just refreshing spaces toward enhancing customer experience and brand image.

Key Components of a Partnership Approach

A consultative partnership approach involves a collaborative effort between service provider and client teams. Don’t be afraid to bring new ideas and approaches to the relationship. Seeking out opportunities to have clearer understanding from the owner perspective can generate open dialogue about the best approach. This ensures that every aspect of the program aligns with the client’s vision and strategic objectives. Here are some essential components of a partnership approach:

1. Discovery Phase: Understanding Client Needs

Start by delving deeply into clients’ needs, goals and challenges. Yes, everyone says that. But spending time here, intentionally, is the best approach to deepening the relationship. Keep asking “why” to ensure full understanding and then repeat that back for validation. This foundational step helps tailor services precisely to meet client requirements. For us, understanding a client’s unique context, and culture, creates repaint programs that are not only aesthetically pleasing but also aligned with operational and financial goals.

2. Capital vs. Expense Management

Navigating the financial aspects of a repaint program requires a delicate balance between capital expenditures and operational expenses. In some instances, that can drive conversations into murky waters and “what if” scenarios. But do not shy away from opening that door to expand the relationship from just staying within budget. These conversations demonstrate added value and a strategic approach ensuring every dollar spent contributes to enhancing the longevity and attractiveness of their properties.

3. Clear Expectation Setting

Clear communication is crucial for the success of any program. Walking, not running, through discovery and financial implications sets the stage for what’s expected. Sounds simple, doesn’t it? Well, it is simple — but not easy. There’s a need for back-and-forth dialogue that should not be one sided. Pepper this conversation with a healthy amount of reality, and the result is a well-balanced set of expectations! This transparency fosters trust and minimizes misunderstandings throughout the duration of the project.

4. Supplier and Vendor Collaboration

Facilitate open discussions with all stakeholders, including suppliers and vendors, through roundtable sessions. This is not about necessity, but rather opportunity. This collaborative approach fosters a spirit of partnership and ensures that everyone involved is working toward a common goal. These should not be superficial conversations but instead get into the weeds so that products, specifications and scopes provide the best overall solution for all parties.

5. Holistic Approach to Brand Preservation and Owner Image

A holistic approach to repaint programs not only refreshes physical spaces but also preserves brand integrity. Maintaining consistent quality and aesthetic appeal across multiple locations contributes to a positive customer experience that reinforces brand loyalty. This dedication to excellence not only enhances our clients’ reputations but also positions them as leaders in their respective industries.

Case Study: The Power of Strategic Partnership

Consider a case study where our consultative approach transformed a national retail chain’s repaint program. Seeking to better understand the client’s goals for their fleet, we helped to develop a rigorous inspection process that answered key questions around environmental condition, aesthetics and existing conditions. This was coupled with the client’s operational and financial goals to create a proactive cyclical repaint schedule that maintained appearance between repaint cycles. This also helped minimize disruption to daily operations while maintaining the improved visual appeal of their stores. This approach not only enhanced customer satisfaction but also elevated the client’s brand image, supporting increased foot traffic and sales.


In conclusion, enhancing customer experience and owner image is paramount in the competitive landscape of commercial painting. By adopting a consultative partnership approach that emphasizes understanding, collaboration and strategic alignment, we empower our clients to achieve their long term goals while maximizing their investment. This not only beautifies physical spaces, but also strengthens brand perception and fosters enduring client relationships. As we continue to innovate and evolve, our commitment remains steadfast — to be trusted partners in our clients’ journey toward sustained success and exceptional customer experiences.

— Sean Gillespie is director | strategic alliances for Harrison Contracting Company, Inc. With more than 35 years of experience in the paint industry, Gillespie has worked in several sales and marketing leadership roles; he joined Harrison in June 2018. Harrison has been helping execute multi-site repaint programs since 1995 and can help consult and/or operationalize cycle and/or reimage painting programs.

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