Marra Forni Welcomes New Chief Pizzaiolo Officer

by Katie Lee

Beltsville, Md. — Marra Forni, an international manufacturer of artisan commercial brick oven cooking solutions, has hired Giulio Adriani in the new position of chief pizzaiolo officer. Adriani brings with him vast accomplishments including his experience as a successful pizza maker, pizzeria owner, instructor and industry expert. Adriani officially joined the organization in December 2023.

Adriani comes to Marra Forni with over 30 years of cooking experience starting in the kitchen of his Naplese grandmother. He has opened a dozen successful and highly acclaimed pizza restaurants and consulted on nearly twice as many. They encompass a variety of concepts, menus and locations. Adriani’s skills serve the entire business with equipment, culinary support and business support, which means Marra Forni’s customers can get a leg up on their competition before they even open their doors.

“As a leading manufacturer of authentic handcrafted brick and innovative deck ovens focusing on the pizza community, we are excited about this newly created position of chief pizzaiolo officer. Giulio Adriani has devoted his entire life to mastering the art of pizza making. His passion and knowledge will support our vision to continue investing in the best culinary professionals in the world. The appointment of Giulio is a strategic move to elevate our pizza expertise and diversify our growing product lines. We are confident that this new position will support our customers’ growth in our beloved industry,” says Francesco Marra, CEO and co-owner of Marra Forni and Pizza University and Culinary Arts.

Marra Forni is an industry-leading domestic manufacturer and global supplier to the commercial foodservice industry.  The product line includes a full line of brick oven cooking solutions, refrigerated prep tables, dough mixers and slicers. Marra Forni currently sells and supports its products and customers on five continents and in 23 countries worldwide.

For more information, visit

SOURCE: Marra Forni

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