pest control

— By Alex Blahnik — What is eating at your profits? (It may be smaller than you think.)   Maybe supply chain disruptions and historic labor shortages are your biggest problems as you emerge from the pandemic, or perhaps, your challenge is meeting the demand of customers who are returning to the market and trying to purchase and dine their way to a normalcy. Whatever you may be facing, while you trimmed your expenses and obeyed social distancing orders to make it to this point, pests like mice, roaches, flies …

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Memphis, Tenn. — Terminix Global Holdings, Inc., a leading provider of residential and commercial pest control, has hired Deidre Richardson as senior vice president and general counsel, as well as Joy Wald as senior vice president and chief information officer. “Deidre and Joy are dynamic and experienced executives,” says Terminix CEO Brett Ponton. “Deidre’s rich and diverse experience with multi-unit businesses and large distributed workforces will help us develop a framework through the Terminix Way where our teammates can be successful. Joy’s operational background and experience with subscription and route-based …

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— By Pat Hottel — Controlling filth flies inside — and outside — restaurant facilities.   Filth flies, like house flies and bottle flies, reproduce quickly and are associated with pathogen laden environments like manure, garbage and sewage. The bodies are well adapted for transporting the microorganisms responsible for foodborne illnesses to our food and food contact surfaces. As summer months approach, a relatively quick life cycle from egg to adult becomes even shorter. Depending on the species, development can occur in as little as 1 week. As a result, …

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— By Patricia Hottel, BCE —   All pests will have certain environmental preferences and survival needs. When the right conditions are met, pests thrive. Sanitation, employee practices, facility processes, and structural and equipment design can either hinder or help pest’s survival. In fact, not all areas within a facility will meet the needs of the pest equally and certain areas will have a higher risk for pest development than others. Here is a list of some of the 10 most common areas of pest activity by product type, structural …

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— By Patricia Hottel — Managing pests during the pandemic.   Characterizing the effects of the pandemic on restaurant pests can be difficult due to the varied responses across the industry. Coping with COVID-19 challenges has resulted in varying degrees of business innovation, dependent upon the type of facility and geographic location. Reduced hours to complete shutdowns have been a common practice. Just as businesses have continued to adapt, so have pests. Restaurateurs should continue taking the steps that help limit threats to food safety, as risks are still present. …

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— By Dr. Nancy Troyano — The most common pest issues in restaurants by month — and what you need to know to defeat them.   With plenty of food, sugar-rich beverages, moisture and heat, restaurants are essentially the perfect environment for pests. Battling pests is a daily, year-round war, but it can be hard to prepare if you don’t know what the enemy looks like or from what direction it is coming. Based on an analysis of 2 years’ worth of data from restaurants, we were able to determine …

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— By Carol L. Carey — How to control social media and news coverage of your establishment through effective, preventative pest control.   Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, local news outlets and even national television cover everything: the good, the bad and the ugly — and not all publicity is good publicity. Contrary to the types of stories you want printed about your establishment, negative stories can “go viral” quicker than positive ones. If someone finds a rat in the produce section at a local grocery store, or food poisoning at …

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— By Mike Watt —   How to get rid of the frequent diners you do NOT want.   There is no privacy anymore, and no privacy can often turn into terrible publicity for restaurants. For instance, go to YouTube and type in the query “video rats in a restaurant” and more than three pages come up all showing rats running around a restaurant kitchen. But, that’s not the only rodent restaurant owners and managers may have to grapple with.  If rats are present, very often mice are as well.  …

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— By Shane McCoy — How technological developments are changing pest management. Pest management is an ancient practice, one that has existed since crops have been cultivated for food. Just because it’s been around since the beginning of time, though, doesn’t mean it’s stayed the same. In the last 10 to 15 years, technology has revolutionized how we communicate, how we socialize and how we do business. The pest management industry is no exception. The use of technology, whether created specifically for or adapted to the pest management industry, has …

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— By Angela Tucker, Ph.D. — It’s not just a restaurant problem: Here are some common pests in retail facilities. With frequent deliveries, changing inventories and new visitors every day, retailers face a unique set of pest control challenges and problems. Customers may be alarmed by signs of a pest issue, and these unwelcome visitors may even lead to costly damage to inventory and facilities. Retail facility executives should familiarize themselves with general pest control processes and ensure they are followed. Of course, some pests call for special attention. It’s …

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