Santa Monica, Calif. — Veggie Grill has partnered with Sodexo Inc., a global provider of food and facilities management, to offer Veggie Grill’s plant-based menu at university campuses. Since its inception in 2006, Veggie Grill has opened 32 locations in California, Oregon, Washington and Illinois. The brand will launch in East Coast markets, including New York City, this year and continue its extensive expansion through partnerships like Sodexo. “We have strategically opened several of our restaurant locations nearby or on college campuses, including UCLA, UC Berkeley and University of Washington,” …
Youngstown, Ohio — Simon Roofing, a national manufacturer/installer and service provider of commercial roofing systems headquartered in Youngstown, Ohio, has acquired significant assets of Roth Roofing Products, LLC (formerly known as Viridian Systems, LLC), a Roth Bros./Sodexo company that manufactures commercial roofing materials.