Industry Voices

— By John Moody — Five game-changing reports all restaurant operators should be using.   Most small businesses start out using spreadsheets because they are basically free, easy to use and highly customizable. Restaurant operators can use a spreadsheet for almost every function in the restaurant from ordering, inventory, prep lists, invoicing, food costing, scheduling, accounting — you name it. These spreadsheets require hours of data entry along with manually creating formulas just to generate reports. Many of these spreadsheets are so complex that only the owner or general manager …

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— By Jon Dommisse — 5 ways COVID-19 changed Americans’ impressions of public restrooms and facilities.   Upon entering the third year of the pandemic, Americans are not only more sensitive to germs in public restrooms, they now hold higher standards for the cleanliness, condition and technology used in these shared spaces, according to the annual Healthy Handwashing Survey™ we conducted in January. Despite ongoing COVID outbreaks, most Americans have not been deterred from using public bathrooms. In fact, 41% of Americans report using public restrooms as often as they …

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— By Ian Nicolson —   How to answer the tough business continuity questions.   Severe weather poses many challenges for retail and restaurant operators, but the most significant is parsing through and analyzing the fire hose of incoming weather forecast data to determine the real business impacts to their operational processes and locations. Business response plans need to be objective, consistent, repeatable and defensible to the CFO. It can be overwhelming to answer critical logistics questions like these using just the wind and rain data provided by the local …

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— By Linda Bommarito —   How to make UVC light work for you in retail or restaurant settings.     UVC light can be an excellent addition to your sanitizing protocols — it is quick, effective and chemical-free. UVC light has been studied and used successfully for sanitization for many decades, from water to air to surfaces. The science is sound, and the technology is widely accepted. UVC destroys or mutates the DNA/RNA of viruses, pathogens, bacteria and molds. As the COVID-19 pandemic has shown all of us, we …

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— By Ahmed Abouelenein —   The benefits and drawbacks of introducing new technology into restaurant operations.   Restaurant industry professionals showcased an exceptional amount of resilience and resourcefulness in such a challenging time. One tool that has helped so many restaurant operators sustain, and even thrive, over the past 2 years is the adoption of smart technology. When used correctly and implemented appropriately, the benefits of technology can be business-changing. Technology offers the ability to increase productivity, address labor shortages, streamline operations and so much more. Being smart about …

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— By Marian Noletti —   How to handle any of the winter woes on your commercial roof.   In many parts of the country, the winter season is known for bringing extreme cold temperatures, increased precipitation and high winds. These weather elements are rough on all of us for sure, but they can be even rougher on restaurant and retail roofs. Freeze. Thaw. Repeat. Dramatic temperature fluctuations cause repeated freezing, thawing and refreezing of water throughout the winter season. This vicious cycle often results in ice dams and icicles. …

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— Interview with Matthew K. Harding —   Retail Outlook: In changeable times, tenants focus on customer service and convenience.   North Plainfield, N.J. — Within a changeable environment impacted by ongoing COVID-19 concerns, labor shortages, supply chain disruptions and rising inflation, brick-and-mortar retail tenants are cutting through the noise to focus on what they can control: providing top-notch service and convenience for customers. And coming off a strong year, they are optimistic about what 2022 will bring, according to Levin Management Corporation (LMC), which recently released the findings of …

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— By Jenna Singletary — Why power washing is so important — and how to make it work for your exterior.   Viral. It is the word everyone pursues — however, not always on purpose. As we know, social media has the ability to spread an image rapidly and widely across the internet in a matter of mere minutes. It is free advertising that can help take a business from unknown to known in a heartbeat. The risk factor, though, is this: Is it a positive or a negative image? …

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— By Matt Malorni —   What facility managers need to know about roofing repairs, replacements and maintenance.     The roof is unquestionably the least visible part of a restaurant or a shopping center; however, if not given any attention it can cause the greatest number of problems. Facility managers and owners are faced not only with properly maintaining their roofing but also making decisions about how to handle issues to get the most life and value out of their roof. Repair versus replacement, tear off replacement versus layover …

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— By James King —   How one Mid-Atlantic restaurant group is navigating supply chain, inflation, COVID and staffing challenges.     Losing a generation of crab pickers, hurricanes in South America, and a COVID outbreak shutting down a plant in Mexico… You would think, how do some of these events affect my five restaurants in the Mid-Atlantic region? Like so many other businesses trying to stay afloat during these times, supply chain, inflation, COVID and staffing challenges affect the day-to-day operations, which can come with the possibility of compromising …

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