Industry Voices

— By Chris Roy — The next level of tech experiences for retail and restaurant venues.   Before the pandemic, immersive entertainment was an emerging trend in the retail sector. After a year and a half of reduced experiences, consumers’ appetite for this type of entertainment is stronger than ever. To slake this appetite, retail entertainment stakeholders are seeking increasingly tech-oriented features at their properties. In fact, there is a call for technology that enables all-encompassing immersion with more nuance. We live in an increasingly digital world, and people expect …

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— By Mark Kapczynski — Why we should never go back to a pre-COVID supply chain.   For the past decade, global supply chains have been running a seemingly normal path. However, when COVID hit the U.S. in March 2020, it exposed many of the vulnerabilities that have been affecting these networks. Even a year and half later, industries across the board are experiencing the impacts of supply chain disruptions. With massive labor shortages and continual shipping delays, there is an increasing desperation to return “back to normal.” Instead of …

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— By David Tracz — Modern restaurant design and its evolution.   If there is one common experience that (most) humans share a love for, it’s probably food — especially when that food is cooked by someone else. Enter: the restaurant industry. It’s one of the most fast-paced, efficient and timely fields that everyone plays a part in, whether as a consumer, chef, server, manager or restaurateur. If you’re looking for a sign of the times, you can usually find it reflected in the variety of restaurants lining the sidewalks. …

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— By Garrett Fishaw — 4 ways to improve your curbside pickup and delivery services.   Curbside pickup and food delivery apps have taken the restaurant and grocery industry by storm. No longer do customers have to physically enter retail and restaurant locations to enjoy their products. Whether it’s a cheeseburger from McDonald’s or a week’s worth of groceries from Walmart, it can be had by logging into a mobile app, clicking a couple of buttons, and voilà, it’s either on the way or waiting to be picked up. Convenience …

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— By Tom Dawson — How to save on roof-related costs during a remodel.   Remodeling a building tends to be costly, but there is a chance businesses can bypass a major — and often assumed — “necessary” cost. The purpose of this article is to educate and share some good news: businesses may be able to avoid the need for a new roof during an upcoming remodel. Often when a building is undergoing a major remodel, the general contractor’s default position is that the roof must always be replaced. …

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— By Nancy Troyano — Entomologists provide their 2022 pest prognosis for retail and restaurant managers.   As the world continues to recover from the COVID-19 pandemic, much of the business and operational world has shifted. Labor and supply shortages continue to impact everything from grocery stores to restaurants and distribution centers. One thing that is not in short supply for many of these commercial spaces: pests. Pest experts across the country expect to see an increase in pest activity in 2022. With minimal products stocking the shelves and fewer …

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— By Del Williams —   UVC light inactivates viruses and other airborne pathogens, improving indoor safety in commercial spaces.     With commercial facilities taking precautions against viruses as never before, an effective new tool in their arsenal is a new type of “germicidal” LED fixture. This specialized, enclosed LED fixture draws in air and irradiates it with ultraviolet light (UV), significantly improving indoor safety by providing continuous disinfection of airborne viruses as well as bacteria and germs. While traditional UV fixtures have been used for many years to …

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— By Danny Koontz —   Advantages of having worked on both sides of the same coin: on the facilities management side and the vendor side.   Ever wondered when ordering something, buying something or taking a sales call, why did the person on the other side choose that particular job? Maybe they didn’t choose it; maybe circumstances did — or maybe they enjoy that job as their passion. After almost 4 decades in the restaurant facilities management side of the business, I now find myself on the vendor side, …

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— By David Sansenbach — Protecting power quality is key to restaurant and retail revenue.   One of the most critical elements of running a successful restaurant or retail location is being fully operational whenever you are open to diners or shoppers. In order to do that, electrical equipment like a POS system, a WiFi modem, kitchen printers, security cameras, computing platforms and automation tools need to reliably operate exactly as expected. Given that this equipment is likely quite expensive to purchase (and to fix) and its timely and accurate …

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— By Bill Herzog — Improving security and communication at your retail business.   Security should always be a top priority in your retail business. A good security plan can prevent theft, improve communication and provide customers with an overall safer environment to shop in. Setting up a proper security plan can be difficult if you don’t have the proper expertise around you. As a security expert with experience working in retail spaces, I have helped businesses create a safe and secure shopping environment that keeps staff and customers safe …

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