Industry Voices

— By Cindy Price —   Before you start, find out the local sign codes and regulations.   One of the first things to do before opening up a business is to get a sign. Without a sign, you simply won’t exist in the eyes of the consumer. Signs also have a huge impact on your revenue stream. So where do you start and what do you need to consider? One of the first things you’ll need to do is find out what your local sign codes and regulations are …

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— By Dale Manning — The future of sustainable manufacturing is a hybrid approach.   If you’re in the retail business, one of your worst nightmares is being stuck with boxes and boxes of unsold inventory taking up space in your warehouse. Wasted stock can be a huge cost to your bottom line and pose serious risks to your business. For eco-conscious brands, a lot of unsold inventory is also detrimental to the environment, especially if the products are textile-based. Of the more than 100 billion items of clothing produced …

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— By George Lessmeister —   We all know the quote, “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” It can readily be applied to the current job market. Employers are desperate to find new team members and having a hard time staffing. Has your leadership team stopped to ask to refocus and find ways to retain current staff? Our staffing team works with business owners in the hospitality, franchisee, retail and warehousing markets in over 40 cities across the country. Staff have heard …

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— By Chad Gore —   Proactive steps to prevent rodent infestations in your facilities this winter.     As retail and restaurant facilities prepare for increased foot traffic over the holiday season, it is imperative for store operators to familiarize themselves with the signs of rodent infestations. If not properly monitored, rats and mice seeking shelter from cold temperatures can lead to costly structural damage, health and safety hazards, product contamination and a negative brand reputation. Facility managers can use these essential tips to understand the facts, anticipate the …

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— By Bryan Campbell —   When developing on potentially contaminated property, you can protect your new building from VOCs with a vapor barrier.     Historically, the term “vapor intrusion” was discussed only in association with the most heavily contaminated properties. Now, with the emergence of new stricter guidelines, the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and many state regulatory agencies identify vapor intrusion as a major driver on many sites, including those with little to no soil or groundwater contamination. In some cases, potential vapor intrusion is not …

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— By Tom LaMartina — How to facilitate a more efficient, cost-effective FM program for your retail or restaurant business.   Below is a Q&A with RWS Facility Services, which provides the nation’s largest companies with full-service facility management services that reduce cost, save time and improve the overall environment. From commercial waste management to landscaping to HVAC repair and more, RWS offers one-stop convenience for all your facility services. R&R: What are some ways a retail or restaurant company can evaluate their facility management program to ensure it’s efficient, …

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— By Sean Gillespie — How to kickstart your branding cycle with a trusted painting contractor.   Over the past 2 years, keeping up with planned painting programs has been challenging. Deferring a planned program cycle is never a simple decision. But at some point, moving from deferral back into the cycle can feel like reinventing the wheel. You’ll need a good partner who can help you maneuver through challenges and positively impact your brand and budget! Kickstarting multi-site repainting programs is essential to ensuring consistent branding across each of …

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— By Cindy Price — Refresh your business with face replacements for signage.   Outdoor signs must be durable enough to withstand all kinds of weather that Mother Nature throws at them. Your sign is quite literally the “face” of your business, so it should look its best at all times. But when weather, age or other elements wreak havoc on it, what do you do? Outside of replacing the entire sign, a face replacement is a solid choice. The Basics: What is a Sign Face? Simply put, a sign …

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— By Shaw Hergenrather —   Are you ready for a Texas-sized deep freeze? Nine ways restaurants and retailers can prepare for and mitigate winter disasters.     Winter is coming. Even if truly cold weather rarely hits your part of the country, the season is rapidly approaching, and, as we all learned from the catastrophic power grid failure in Texas last winter, freezing temperatures can strike anywhere. With a costly fall-out in excess of $130 billion, people across the country — including everyone on my team — watched in …

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— By Greg Houck — How emerging mixed-use trends can translate to long term success.   Mixed-use projects have a retail problem. Too often, incorporating retail spaces into a mixed-use project is straightforward and static: a single complimentary demand driver, such as a high-rise multifamily with convenient ground-floor grocer. With this approach, the residential component may subsidize a portion of revenues for the tenant, but most often it isn’t sufficient enough and local demand has not been fully understood. Over the past several years there has been many exciting innovations …

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