Industry Voices

— By Kenneth Gruskin, AIA — Coronavirus as a catalyst for innovation in stores and restaurants.   The coronavirus has resulted in a cosmic shift in retail and hospitality. Customers have moved from seeking high-touch retail experiences, extensive product/service selection, and vibrant, extensive menu and dining options/experiences…to staying well. In response, retailers and restauranteurs are now focused on providing efficiency, safety and convenience. This has accelerated the transition from “bricks to clicks” and, with this, many retailers are adapting their physical locations to better accommodate the surrounding population, using these …

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— By Tom Szafranski — Managing energy efficiency in a commercial kitchen.   Energy efficiency can often be an overlooked component of commercial foodservice equipment; in reality, an energy-efficient unit is not only better for the environment, but better for the bottom line for the owner/operator. According to ENERGY STAR®, the EPA’s program to promote and certify energy efficiency, restaurants use around 5 to 7 times more energy than any other commercial facility. Additionally, energy costs for commercial foodservice establishments — such as restaurants, hotels and quick-service eateries — make …

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— By Mark Timmons — The 101 on UV-C lighting.   Fall and winter present a new challenge in restaurant and facility management with the continuing COVID-19 pandemic impacting businesses around the world and now it’s flu season. Taking a look back, several months ago, in-person dining felt like an overwhelming hurdle. Reopening a retail business seemed daunting. Yet we did it. As we turn to stabilizing business, in some parts of the United States al fresco dining is done. It’s simply too cold outside for outdoor dining. With the …

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— By Jessica Schultz — Don’t slip up this winter and let your patrons down.   Preventing and managing slip-and-fall accidents at your locations is just as important as all other exterior and interior maintenance items. Being in the middle of winter, the main concern right now is slippery snow and ice, as well as unavoidable hazards underneath the snow and ice. In areas without snow, handling and fixing property defects is important year-round. There are many key things to consider when managing risks on your properties and preventing injuries …

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— By Anthony Dilenno — Balancing economic and environmental responsibility.   For restaurants and retailers, COVID-19 has disrupted every aspect of business. With so many critical issues that have risen to the top of the list of concerns, recycling programs tend to fall to the back burner as companies focus on economic survival. However, while COVID-19 (and a drop in scrap commodities prices) has driven up recycling costs for some items, prioritizing recycling of high-quality commodities still provides better value than sending trash to the landfill. America is facing a …

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— By Richard Boothman — Increasing winter heating efficiency.   Restaurants, retail outlets and shopping centers face plenty of efficiency challenges with heating during the winter. There are, however, easy tweaks, procedures at startup and specialized equipment that can save energy, reduce costs and improve the lifespan of the HVAC system. While oversizing and under-sizing are also common problems, there are ways to minimize their negative effects. A key step to take early on is to make sure the building is pressurized so that it’s not pulling out more conditioned …

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— By Jeff Rabbitt and Ruba Younan — A case study in restaurant design authenticity.   The past couple of years have been marked by a shift in restaurant design towards authentic environments that reflect their surrounding context, people and culture. Rather than just great food and service, customers are increasingly drawn to places that offer experiences, connection and history. Yet not all locations are conducive to authenticity and sites boasting a rich history are indisputably advantaged. Such is the case with the renovation of 118 W.  Chapman, a century-old …

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— By Patrick Scheb —   Keeping customers safe and happy: It all starts with a clean restroom.     Does anyone know a restaurant that is following social distancing?” “Are there retailers that are taking safety precautions seriously?” “Which businesses are offering outdoor experiences?” Social media conversations like the ones on Facebook above are a telling sign of how customer actions and decision-making are drastically different in 2020. We know that customers’ motivations and challenges changed in the past 5 months and retailers and business owners need to tackle …

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— By Frederic Perreault —   Hand hygiene is a two-part process.   While COVID-19 has brought the importance of hand washing to the forefront of discussions about how to stop the spread of germs and bacteria, a critical element of the hand hygiene process is not being discussed. As the global society works to eradicate the COVID-19 virus and toward a future beyond this current pandemic, it is crucial that we understand how proper hand hygiene prevents the spread of bacteria, viruses and other infections. Scrubbing your hands with …

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— By Julie Fields — With cooler temperatures on the horizon, restaurants will be forced to find indoor dining solutions.   Restaurants have been through the wringer since the Coronavirus pandemic reached the United States earlier this year. We have seen new trends that we never would have imagined, such as an increase in takeout from traditional dine-in restaurants. Many restaurants have also seen a huge surge in outdoor dining, as many customers feel safer sitting in the open air. However, as winter approaches and temperatures begin to drop, outdoor …

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