Industry Voices

— By Del Williams — More effectively preventing slips and falls on high-traffic stairs.   New, high-tech epoxy formulation offers longer lasting traction, visual warnings at tread edges, and a tactile element to prevent slip-and-falls more effectively in high-traffic areas. In commercial facilities across the country, the most common technique for preventing slip-and-fall accidents on stairs is the application of non-skid adhesive tapes or epoxy coatings embedded with aggregate. The appeal of this approach is that untrained personnel can quickly and easily apply the protection. However, for high traffic stairways, …

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— By Rob Tedesco —   The next digital frontier for restaurants.   Brands have spent the past few years adapting to a digital-first mindset. They’ve reoriented their businesses toward programs like online ordering, invested in their tech stacks and started gathering first-party customer data But as the paradigm now truly shifts, and “outside the four walls” matters more, what’s missing from brands’ digital roadmaps? What will be the next major leaps in restaurant technology and digital guest experiences? Here, we discuss four ways in which digital tools help restaurants …

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— By Kristin Naragon —   Communicating a brand’s commitment to environmental impacts requires transparency in today’s omnichannel shopping landscape.     More so than ever, consumers are inundated with choices. For any given product or service, they have a seemingly endless list of options to choose from — meaning they have the ability to choose to support corporations whose values align with their own. It happens more often than you may think; according to this Global B2C Survey conducted by our team, half of the 3,500 survey participants said …

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— By Michael Hess —   5 tips for successful waste management in the retail and restaurant industries.     Owning a restaurant or retail location comes with a great deal of responsibility — including waste disposal. Regardless of business size or location, waste management is essential to day-to-day operations. In recent years, waste and diversion have become top concerns of business owners and retailers, especially when associated with revenue loss. According to a study conducted by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), restaurants produced 17.1 million tons of wasted …

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— By John Moody —   Insights for boosting profit margin with technology.     According to the USDA, the level of food price inflation for restaurant food purchases rose 7.4% from May 2021 to May 2022. While some operators are forced to increase menu prices to accommodate this remarkable spike in food costs, others are trying desperately to find other ways to remain profitable without passing the additional burden on to their customers. There are three primary controls that restaurant operators need to pay careful attention to when trying …

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— By Bryan Falk —   How to meet customer expectations, maximize efficiency and deliver the ideal brand experience.     As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, customers are changing the way they shop, dine and spend money. This customer shift, paired with industry challenges such as labor shortages and supply chain disruptions, created the perfect storm leading to unprecedented times for retail and restaurant managers. The response from operators to the rapid industry changes will likely set the path for future successes or challenges. Store owners and managers …

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— By Jason Menser —   Knowing the right people in 24-hour facilities management helps improve the overall flow of business and maintenance concerns.     Building maintenance is a part of sound building management. It raises the property’s total value, boosts user experience and removes potential safety hazards. Routine and planned maintenance is beneficial and preferable, but not all maintenance problems happen at an ideal time. Therefore, a dedicated resource is vital to keep things running smoothly and mitigating risk. Around-the-clock maintenance facilities management improves the lifespan of the …

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— By Randolph Bush —   Thanks to commercial-grade air purifiers, smoke-free air entices customers to linger longer and order more from the menu.     For restaurants, too much accumulated indoor tobacco and food prep smoke and odor can become a serious problem that drives away customers and creates an unhealthy environment for employees. Even when smoking is designated to certain sections of a restaurant, the smoke can drift to common areas — creating an uncomfortable environment for all. Patrons who are sensitive to smoke or concerned about their …

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— By Erin Zaske — Understanding proper stormwater management.   Stormwater compliance is not optional. Many property owners are unaware that stormwater is regulated by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) through the Clean Water Act (CWA), and that they are required to inspect and maintain these systems. The importance of these regulations is significant as polluted stormwater runoff is one of the greatest threats to clean water in the U.S. Nearly 600,000 miles of rivers and streams and more than 13 million acres of lakes, reservoirs and ponds …

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— By Jay Fiske — Optimizing facilities in the “new normal.”   Facilities managers responsible for dozens of restaurant or retail sites have always needed “multiple pairs of eyes” to ensure every location is operating optimally. Now, the need is more acute with staff shortages. When wait staff or store managers are working double duty to please every customer, it’s easy for them to forget about other tasks — from turning down the air conditioning to switching off the lights or sanitizing every surface. Those small details, over time, can …

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