Industry Voices

— By Joe Haugen — What retailers need to know about the push toward electrification. There’s been a great deal of conversation related to electrification in the last several years, as people look for ways to reduce their footprint while still powering their homes, businesses and lives. Put simply, electrification refers to replacing technologies and processes that use fossil fuels with electrically powered alternatives. These replacements are typically more efficient, reducing energy demand and are likely to have a massive impact on emissions as electricity generation is decarbonized. While the …

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— By Jordan Rochwick — Leveraging partnerships for data-driven HVAC fleet maintenance. In the intricate dance of facility management, the smooth functioning of HVAC systems stands as a cornerstone for maintaining optimal working conditions. Yet, managing distributed HVAC fleets is a complex endeavor fraught with challenges, from tracking repair and maintenance data to optimizing costs. In this article, we delve into the immense value of strategic partnerships in harnessing data-driven insights to reduce overall maintenance costs, drive actionable outcomes and promote sustainability by reducing carbon emissions. The Challenge of Tracking …

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— By Patrick Chown — The future of retail and restaurant facilities should embrace IoT and connectivity for smarter operations. The retail and restaurant industries are undergoing a remarkable transformation, driven by technological advancements and changing consumer expectations. In this dynamic landscape, the Internet of Things (IoT) and advanced network connectivity are emerging as pivotal elements. These technologies are not just reshaping how businesses operate but are also redefining the customer experience. By integrating IoT solutions, retailers and restaurateurs are unlocking new potentials in operational efficiency, customer engagement and data-driven …

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— By Scott Smith — Better understanding issues of exterior code infractions ­at retail and restaurant facilities. Retail locations often struggle with handling issues of code compliance, rightfully so as they can be challenging and lengthy to navigate. Hopefully this article can give some insight as to how to tackle and navigate through local code compliance issues. The focus will be on exterior landscaping issues to not only curtail fines but to keep your local community happy while not disrupting your core business. Many times, retail or restaurant management teams …

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2024 tax outlook for franchisees: Consider these changes ahead. The tax outlook for 2024 and beyond is about as clear as, well, mud. With the sunsetting of benefits from the 2018 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) and the uncertainties about what the 2024 elections will bring, planning a tax strategy is a daunting task for franchise operators. As a former CPA, I say there’s probably never been a better time to work with a tax advisor, especially one who is knowledgeable about franchises, to help you be prepared for …

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— By Amanda Anderson — Turn your landscaping into a reason customers keep coming back via seasonal preventative maintenance. The goal for preventative and routine landscaping is about more than the initial visual impact. At first glance, services are tailored to provide a clean and welcoming environment. Lush green grass edged neatly along sidewalks and curbs, healthy mulch beds free of weeds and filled with blooming flowers, full and neatly trimmed bushes and shrubs. A truly impactful landscaping service is going to provide down-the-road savings, with a focus on maintaining …

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— By Jaime Bettencourt — Creating destination stores for lasting connections. The meteoric rise of e-commerce has forced traditional brick-and-mortar retail to reckon with a new reality: physical stores must provide immersive in-store experiences. Retailers failing to integrate digital channels and offer the best of online shopping offline will struggle to stay competitive in this omnichannel environment. Major brands have learned the hard way that simply having a physical location won’t suffice, with some closing hundreds of underperforming stores because they weren’t offering customers experiences beyond mere product displays and …

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— By Ron Prager — HVAC: Major changes in the industry have arrived. There are major changes occurring in the HVAC industry and they are going to affect both HVAC contractors and end users in a significant way. We anticipate that these changes will also impact building codes, cost of construction and cost of equipment installation. Some of what is presented below is established fact and some is based on my best guess as to what we believe the impacts will be. I will identify which items fall into which …

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— By Herschel Pazornick — Turning to design and technology to streamline restaurant operations. There are numerous reasons restaurant operators prioritize streamlining operations. The main reason being that efficient and effective operations are crucial to long term success. Staying ahead of technology, incorporating the latest innovations and being mindful of space layout can lead to faster service and reduced wait times for customers. Here are a few ways operators can streamline operations: Keeping Design in Mind To optimize speed of service, kitchens should be designed mindfully to allow chefs to …

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— By Sabina Campbell — The trend-driven revolution in modern kitchen equipment. The landscape of the culinary industry in 2024 remains fundamentally anchored in the time-honored tradition of crafting delicious dishes; however, the methods and tools at the disposal of chefs and restaurant owners are transforming at an unprecedented pace. Smart technology, artificial intelligence (AI) and a steadfast commitment to sustainability are at the forefront of this revolution, leading to significant advancements in operational efficiency and culinary prowess. In the modern restaurant’s kitchen, what was once the realm of hands-on …

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