Industry Voices

— By Drew Holst — How AI and IoT can team up to help compensate for the costs of extreme weather. Multi-site retailers and restaurants require a significant amount of energy to operate, even when energy prices rise. Keeping every location at the right temperature is imperative for providing the best possible customer experience. That requires adequate heating or air conditioning, no matter what. Moreover, for restaurants, the use of energy-intensive equipment, such as refrigerators or freezers, is imperative to ensure food safety. But that has consequences: The U.S. Energy …

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— By David Bolaños — How regulations are reshaping restaurant refrigeration. In some respects, not much has changed. As always, restaurant owners want the optimal refrigeration system for their situations. Nothing new there. But planning a restaurant’s cooling/freezing strategy is more important than ever these days because of proposed Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regulations regarding refrigerants. The details of the tighter regulations and the exact timing of their implementation are still to be determined, but they are coming. The new regulations might be in effect as soon as January 2025. …

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— By Russ Spencer — Why restaurant technology doesn’t have to come at the cost of guest experience. The restaurant industry has slowly been shifting its business model over the past decade but was drastically accelerated in 2020, with the culprit being none other than the COVID-19 pandemic. Restaurants were forced to change how they operate and interact with customers due to social distancing requirements surrounding the virus, with some forced to close their doors for good. Now, 3 years on, restaurants are open with little to no restrictions, but …

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— By Doug Head — The creative use of color can add to your signage/lighting program — and draw consumers in to your business. What do you do when the sign code in your city is very restrictive and your building needs more attention than your small display will provide? Many businesses have discovered that a colorfully lit wall or accent lighting will draw attention to the building and add appeal. Using color to capture attention and highlight architectural features on buildings can be the answer to the small sign …

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— By Alicia Chandler — Franchise remodeling for maximum benefits. If you’ve been notified that your franchisor is requiring you to remodel your restaurant, you may be thinking of the headaches you’re likely to encounter. While it’s true that remodeling a franchise restaurant comes with challenges, it can have big payoffs in terms of increased sales. Planning for challenges can help you manage any difficulties that do arise and maximize the benefits to come. Why Remodel? Outside of the obvious reason — the franchisor requires it — remodeling can lead …

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— By Ray Hatch — 3 ways retailers and restaurants can get ahead of a potential recession and avoid greenwashing. A possible recession, the risk of ESG-related litigation and allegations of greenwashing are troubling to navigate, making transparency and analytics a vital check and balance in today’s market. Whether you’re a retail grocer, restaurant executive or otherwise, investing in a waste audit and data reporting platforms are effective routes to avoiding the chopping block. According to a recent survey from Deloitte, 49% of respondents said data and reporting helped them …

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— By Sean-Paul Ferrera — The promise of energy efficiency for restaurant franchises. Today’s restaurant operators face a whole host of challenges, from increased competition and a tight labor market to rising commodity (i.e. food, packaging or cutlery) and energy prices. As a result of constantly juggling these contending pressures, owners have to carefully evaluate where they spend their time and money to ensure both happy customers and profitable margins. For restaurant owners, sustainability has traditionally taken a backseat to these more tangible day-to-day concerns, but ultimately, this amounts to …

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— By Jessy Perone — Filta takes care of fryer oil management for more than 50 Dairy Queens — personalizing plans and service for each franchise owner to meet specific needs. More than 50 Dairy Queen restaurants nationwide rely on Filta Environmental Kitchen Solutions for fryer oil management so their restaurants can consistently produce delicious, golden brown fries and chicken tenders for customers while keeping employees safe, keeping restaurants clean and sustainable, and boosting profitability. From Connecticut to Georgia and South Carolina to New Mexico, the majority of these 50 …

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— By Jason Hlewicki — It’s a new day in retail and restaurant construction: here are 3 realities today. As consumers are changing the way they shop and dine, the way restaurant and retail spaces are being designed and built is also evolving. New footprints and new prototypes mean fresh challenges and opportunities in both architecture and construction. A learning curve is at play today as build-and-design professionals catch up to the realities of the newest environments. By considering these three realities impacting the restaurant and retail industry, developers, restauranteurs …

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— By Scott Faucheux — How modular and sustainable flooring is shaping retail design. In today’s dynamic retail and restaurant landscapes, adaptability is key. Consumers are craving experiences that jump off the page –– literally. The internet has transformed our perceptions and expectations of shopping, fulfillment and convenience, creating a constant demand for what is new and popular. It is worth noting that a brand’s physical store and online presence may have different goals, and transforming a physical space can be more complex than updating a digital narrative. Retailers face …

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