Boston — The founder of EarthSafe Chemical Alternatives® and its EvaClean® system, RJ Valentine, is now launching a new company: Boston Air Solutions (BAS). Valentine recognized the importance of indoor air quality (IAQ) improvement, particularly as a strategic weapon against COVID-19, to restore building wellness and re-instill confidence as the world returns to work, school and life in the new normal. As CEO, Valentine tapped a team of highly experienced business leaders with Steven Wilson as chief operating officer and Alex Biljic as executive vice president of strategic partnerships. Together, …

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— By Mark Timmons — The 101 on UV-C lighting.   Fall and winter present a new challenge in restaurant and facility management with the continuing COVID-19 pandemic impacting businesses around the world and now it’s flu season. Taking a look back, several months ago, in-person dining felt like an overwhelming hurdle. Reopening a retail business seemed daunting. Yet we did it. As we turn to stabilizing business, in some parts of the United States al fresco dining is done. It’s simply too cold outside for outdoor dining. With the …

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— By Richard Boothman — Increasing winter heating efficiency.   Restaurants, retail outlets and shopping centers face plenty of efficiency challenges with heating during the winter. There are, however, easy tweaks, procedures at startup and specialized equipment that can save energy, reduce costs and improve the lifespan of the HVAC system. While oversizing and under-sizing are also common problems, there are ways to minimize their negative effects. A key step to take early on is to make sure the building is pressurized so that it’s not pulling out more conditioned …

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— By Julie Fields — With cooler temperatures on the horizon, restaurants will be forced to find indoor dining solutions.   Restaurants have been through the wringer since the Coronavirus pandemic reached the United States earlier this year. We have seen new trends that we never would have imagined, such as an increase in takeout from traditional dine-in restaurants. Many restaurants have also seen a huge surge in outdoor dining, as many customers feel safer sitting in the open air. However, as winter approaches and temperatures begin to drop, outdoor …

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— By Phil Thomas — Air curtains with COVID-19 disinfection: How to present stores and restaurants that customers are confident to enter during a pandemic.   Confidence is one game-changing factor restaurants and retailers must restore to regain patrons and employees amid the COVID-19 pandemic. Facility operators should take sanitization actions and promote them as part of their COVID-19 response. Outdoor dining, curbside service and pickup, masks, shields and social distancing have instilled some confidence and brought back a few patrons that have shopped online or eaten at home since …

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— By Doug Engel — Protecting guests from COVID-19 in restaurants and retail stores without breaking the bank.   Restaurants and retail stores have been hit hard by plummeting business and consumers shifting to buy goods online. Ensuring safe physical spaces for dining and shopping is not just important, it’s essential to the recovery of these important sectors of the economy. What’s the best way to protect the health of customers and staff while being sensitive to the current financial challenges in these industries? Like the changing guidance associated with …

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— By Danny Miller, Transformative Wave —   The airborne transmission of COVID-19 has impacted many retail and restaurant facilities in their ability to safely operate indoors. As facility operators look to comply with COVID-19 safety guidance, there are three battlefronts that have arisen: disinfection, filtration and ventilation. Numerous products are being marketed and confusion can arise about what should be the priority. Disinfection Disinfection attempts to kill the virus include using products like UV-C lights or bipolar ionization. UV-C has been shown to be effective but largely on stationary …

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Rockville, Md. — To make indoor dining comfortable again and to honor its commitment to employee and customer health and wellness during the coronavirus pandemic, Silver Diner founders are installing a unique, Veteran LED customized interior air filtration and purification system to make dining indoors as close you can come to outdoor dining. This is the first time this comprehensive and customized system has been used in restaurants. The system includes germicidal UV-C light, bipolar ionization technology and HEPA filtration. Air purifiers, mounted throughout each restaurant, work to continuously clean …

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— By Elizabeth Orlieb — HVAC systems are no longer an afterthought post COVID-19 lockdown.   Discussions on HVAC systems and maintenance best practices have become prominent amid the COVID-19 pandemic. With this development comes the recognition that HVAC in commercial buildings can no longer be an afterthought post COVID-19 lockdown, particularly as it relates to adhering to maintenance best practices and enhancing maintenance programs. Business owners, facility managers and maintenance personnel need to be aware and know the implications of the new recommended HVAC controls for COVID-19 mitigation. While …

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— By Jerry Dill —   When it comes to choosing HVAC air distribution products, there is more than meets the eye.   How often have you heard the saying “You can’t judge a book by its cover?” Plenty, I’m sure. Typically when you hear the phrase, it is in reference to people. But today it can apply universally to just about anything. The same can be said, even, about new HVAC air distribution products such as grilles, registers and diffusers. You can find supplies and returns in just about …

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