Industry Voices

— By Aaron Birney and Lara Marrero —   Returning to the store in a post-pandemic world.   The retail landscape has changed dramatically in the last few weeks. Many brands went from welcoming a solid holiday season to shuttering their doors with lightning speed. Today, retailers are dealing with store closures, layoffs and the question we all have: How long will this pandemic last? Many are still recovering from the shock of the last [few months], with their focus split between safety of family and employees and the real …

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— By Michelle Boggs — While COVID-19 has undeniably disrupted operations, MUTTS® Canine Cantina has found some advantages among the challenges.   MUTTS Canine Cantina®, a dual-concept restaurant and dog park with locations in Dallas and Fort Worth, Texas, has been affected by COVID-19 like all other businesses in the hospitality industry; however several positive components of our unique concept — including our membership model, attractive footprint for developers and an engaging social media presence — have been advantageous for us during this time. Initially, as local and state guidelines …

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— By Kyle Orlowski —   Top 5 questions retailers should ask when evaluating janitorial vendors.   A spotless facility shows employees and customers that you take pride in your business and are committed to providing an outstanding customer experience. The best janitorial and facilities maintenance companies offer a wide range of services at a competitive price, but those aren’t the only factors to consider. How do you find the provider that’s the right fit for your business? Here’s a look at the top questions you should ask to determine …

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— By Graham Campbell —   Choosing a new POS: 5 tips to avoid unexpected costs in the long run.   Shopping for a new POS system can be a difficult process. Whether owners have a restaurant, salon, retail store or other type of business, the right POS system can help drive sales, manage their business and even leverage e-commerce features like online ordering, third-party delivery or loyalty programs. However, the wrong POS system can cause serious problems for any business, including unexpected costs. To avoid these incremental costs further …

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— By Matt Dailey —   Creating efficiency in property management through technology.   It’s no secret that technology is changing the way we live, work and shop now more than it ever has. Tech has disrupted nearly every industry, and although a little slower to the game, it has finally made its way to commercial real estate. On one end, we know that tech is enabling retailers to customize shopping experiences with an added-level of convenience, resulting in increased foot traffic and ultimately higher profits. But tech implementation can …

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— By Mac McConnell —   How to create a consistent luxury shopping experience across locations.   Imagine you’re a shopper who just stepped into a luxury goods store. You are greeted by a sharply attired, uber-friendly store employee who hands you a tall glass of chilled sparkling wine and offers to give you a guided tour of the newest inventory. “No thanks for now,” you say, explaining that you’d rather do some browsing first. As you stroll through the aisles, you take in the impressive sights: the finish of …

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— By Steve Peldiak — A spilled glass of water can easily be resolved. But the same amount of water on the floor from an unknown source could represent a major costly repair.   Spring showers and the winter thaw have begun. Rain or snow melting from the rooftop finds its way to a clogged gutter, causing the water to run between the interior and exterior wall. This could unknowingly go on for days and weeks. By the time the water is visual, the damage has already been done. Mold …

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— By Steve Smith —   Start of spring is go-time for facility managers to assess and repair winter roof damage and prepare for spring showers.   With the start of spring, facility managers of commercial buildings across the country are advised to immediately inspect their roofing to assess damage from the winter months and make necessary repairs before the showers of spring begin. Commercial roofing service providers recommend taking advantage of this window of opportunity between winter and spring to avoid costly repairs resulting from neglect. In many cases, …

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— By William Gagnon —   Hand dryers and restroom maintenance work well together.   These days, it’s increasingly uncommon to walk into a commercial restroom and find paper towels as the sole option for drying hands after washing. Especially in a larger, busier facility, one is bound to see at least one electric hand dryer on the wall — evidence of the number of retailers, restaurants and other businesses worldwide that are making a sustainably smart switch. High-efficiency hand dryers not only provide unique benefits but address virtually all …

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— By Blake Callahan — Essential steps to plan for success.   There are many phases of a remodel project depending on the size of the project: planning, budgeting, demolition, construction/build-back and cleanup. There’s also a great deal of questions that go with each of these phases. I’m going to focus on the ever-important budgeting aspect of the remodel phase. It’s been determined that nearly 2/3 of companies surveyed did not make expected profit and three or four large budget fails is enough to put most companies out of business. …

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