Industry Voices

— By Lesley Dunham — [EDITOR’S NOTE: This column originally appeared in our April 2021 magazine.] Before you jump into spring, be sure to schedule a property inspection.   After the last snow melts and before you jump into spring, it is vital to organize a property inspection. Inspecting the condition of your site after the winter is an important step to putting your best foot forward. By setting up an inspection, you create an opportunity to hold your snow removal contractors accountable for any damage to your landscaping, hard …

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— By Chris Murphy — Planning your successful painting program.   As we begin the next season of reimage, repainting and rebranding, many facility managers will be using all their creativity to find the “magic” to maximizing budgets and facilities’ upkeep. That’s no easy task, and the answer isn’t as simple as deferring more maintenance or finding cheaper pricing. But there are tools that can minimize the challenges and ensure that your desired painting programs can move forward without breaking the bank. Utilizing a contractor who is already familiar and …

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— By Clive Samuels — Creating safer and healthier indoor air quality.   The spotlight is on indoor air quality as COVID-19 continues to change the way we look at the world. While there is more to learn about SARS-CoV-2, there is strong evidence that it spreads through the air from person to person.1 As a result, consumers and employees are aware — perhaps more than ever before — of the importance of safe and healthy indoor air quality. Viruses present a difficult challenge for air sanitizing and filtering systems. …

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— By Andrew Eck — From the inside looking out: 2021 foodservice industry trends.   I think we all put a lot of pressure on 2021 to be a year of rebounding, the year that we return to normal. So far, we are off to a slow start! From the events in Washington, D.C., in early January to the traumatic weather events we have seen in Texas recently, maybe 2021 won’t be perfect, but I do believe there is reason for optimism. There is reason for a lot of optimism, …

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— By Pranav Tyagi — Enhancing your store location strategy with technology.   Retailers and restaurants live and die by the addresses they call home. Yet, over the last few years, rapid digital transformations have all but forced some retailers and restaurants to re-think their physical store strategies and embrace new consumer behaviors. This shift, however, also bent the other way. Brands with strong e-commerce and direct-to-consumer approaches, like Amazon and Warby Parker, also saw the value that comes with opening physical locations. Then COVID-19 happened, putting an even higher …

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— By Carol E. Carey — Does your parking lot and exterior say your company is clean and inviting — or stark, dark and unsafe?     Deciding not to keep your parking lot and building exteriors clean and fresh can be as devastating for your location and your reputation as having a dirty, unkept interior. Unfortunately, many times, parking lot, sidewalk and exterior building cleaning repair and maintenance are the bottom tier of the facility maintenance departments’ priority list. The unkempt lot, building and sidewalks/apron of the store is …

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— By Chris Birkinshaw — Limited-service concepts, high-quality food options take pole position for QSR buildouts.   The COVID-19 global pandemic changed the landscape of many businesses. As we move forward with vaccines and a stronger understanding of how the virus spreads, businesses are more confident in reopening. Some are returning to pre-COVID operations, while others have taken on a complete redesign of operations to survive. For the restaurant industry, re-examining all operational processes and costs is taking place at a rapid, reactive rate. For many, this includes re-examining the …

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— By Jayson Hill — Five store redesigns and upgrades retailers will implement in 2021.   If 2020 was a year of survival and adaptation for retailers, 2021 will be the year they make sense of the seismic shifts they’ve endured, fine tuning various strategies as they embed them into the DNA of their companies and storefronts. North Highland’s 2021 Beacon survey helps reveal what senior retail managers are thinking. Eighty-nine percent of respondents said operational efficiency was a high or very high priority, suggesting they intend to spend the …

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— By Melissa Hard — Restaurant cleaning in a post-COVID era.   As the saying goes, every cloud — even a very dark cloud like COVID-19 — has its silver lining. This is undoubtedly true in the restaurant and hospitality industries, which have taken it on the chin — as bad if not worse than any other business sector. However, the industry can view this regrettable situation as a chance to reevaluate many of their operating practices, starting with those related to cleaning. Speaking to someone who started in the …

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— By Steve Peldiak — Communal air solutions in retail and restaurant locations.   Sanitation conversations around indoor air quality (IAQ) at restaurants and retail locations will be critical to their longevity and bottom lines. 2021 has seen the arrival of a vaccine, however many customers may remain hesitant to dine or shop inside even with continued mask mandates. Indoor air quality improvements completed and communicated to both employees and patrons will put many at ease as the path to public-wide vaccination is paved and businesses begin to fully reopen. …

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